Financial Resources

10 Ways to Save on Your Cell Phone Bill
Cell Phones -- there are ways you can save money while still enjoying the features that led you to purchase the phone.
2009 Stimulus In President Obama's Own Words
This historic step won't be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but the beginning,
5 Tips For Improving Your Credit Score
Understand how your credit score works along with 5 great tips for improving your credit score
66 Ways To Save Money
Tips on everything from airline fares to prescription drugs
AAA Credit Ratings Explained
AAA Rating Explained
Assessment Delinquency Rates
Managers are beginning to see more associations with delinquency rates approaching 20%.
Association Foreclosure: No Small Chore!
What happens once a property is owned by the Association due to foreclosure
Avoid Scams!
A pre-purchase checklist to avoid problems and make safe purchases
Avoiding Foreclosure Rescue Scams
These fraudulent foreclosure rescue companies offer vague promises, but will actually lie and cheat to get your business.
Budget Preparation Tips
Things to take into account when preparing the association's budget.
Budgeting Whys and Wherefores
What goes into a good association budget.
Changes to Bankruptcy Law
Under the new law, those who have the ability to do so may be required to pay back part of their debt.
Closing Out Your Year End Financial Statements
What to consider when closing out the year's books
Condo Association Insurance - Who Covers What?
Looking at Condominium Association Master Insurance Policies - who covers what?
Condominium Insurance: Are You Insured Adequately?
Insurance for condos is different from homeowners insurance for a single family home, and usually requires more coverage
Correcting Fraudulent Information in Credit Reports
Using the Fair Credit Reporting Act to correct fraudulent entries on your credit reports.
Directors, Officers and Conflicts of Interest
A discussion of conflicts of interest, potential and actual, and and how to handle them.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
This is employment that has been lost or interrupted as a direct result of a major disaster declared by the U.S. President
Do you owe taxes on your home sale?
Chances are good that you wont owe any taxes when you sell your primary residence thanks to the 1997 Taxpayer Relief Act
Economic Stimulus Plans - A Glossary Of Terms
Generally accepted definitions are given below so that you can become conversant in the language of stimulus packages.
Employee or Independent Contractor?
Determining employee or independent contractor status with IRS criteria
Executive Summary of the 2009 Stimulus Package
In the next two weeks, the Congress will be considering the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009
Extended Unemployment Benefits
Extended Benefits are available to workers who have exhausted regular unemployment insurance benefits during periods of high une
FAQs About Buying HUD Homes
Answers to common questions about buying HUD homes
Features of Reverse Mortgage Loans
Unlike the typical home loan, the amount you owe on a reverse mortgage grows over time.
Filing For Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy cases cannot be filed in state court.
Financial Reporting: Key to Sound Decision-Making
Using accounting principals to provide financail reports and information to the HOA
Funding Reserve Studies
Overseeing how reserve funds should be set up and managed for an HOA
Funds for Handyman-Specials and Fixer-Uppers
How to get funds for handyman-specials and fixer-uppers through HUD's 203(k) program.
Home Sweet Home Improvement
Ways to safely choose a qualified home improvement pro to help with your project
Homeowners Insurance: Twelve Ways To Save
Twelve ways to save on homeowners insurance.
How Can I Afford A Fixer-Upper?
Using a HUD 203 (k) loan to purchase a house needing repairs.
How Identity Theft Occurs
Ways thieves can steal your identity and what to do if it happens.
How Landlords Can Use Credit Scoring to Make Rental Decisions
Ways in which FICO credit scores can help landlords choose renters.
How To Avoid Foreclosure
HUD Guide on how to avoid foreclosure.
How To Spot Counterfeit Money
Hold the bill up to the light and check for:
How To Stop Debt Collector Contacts
Info from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act on how to stop debt collectors from contacting you.
How to Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney
Bankruptcy Attorney
How to Improve Your Credit Score
Your credit score is calculated using a complex algorithm that takes into account many different factors.
Identity Theft! Avoid It!
U.S. Governmenet guide to ID theft prevention
If You Must Have An Audit
Audits can make people nervous. We all fear the dreaded "IRS audit"
It's Budget Time!
Checklist to help prepare an HOA budget
It's Never too Early to Cover Your Assets
Looking at how to provide funding for replacement of physical assets
Loan Modification: Is it Right For You?
What is loan modification? How is it different than refinancing a mortgage and what does it take to qualify.
Making Your Home Energy Efficient!
How to do a home energy audit and make your home more energy efficient.
Minimum Wage
The Department of Labor enforces the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Mutual Self-Help Housing Loan Program (Section 502)
Self-help loan program to help low-income people afford and build a home.
Obama Stimulus Plan FAQ
FAQ about what is in the Obama 2009 Stimulus plan and who qualifies for what...
Own a home in a community association? Use this tax break!
take advantage of this often overlooked benefit.
Prepaid Credit Cards
There are plenty of situations where a prepaid card might be the most convenient choice, but be sure you understand the terms
Renegotiating Technology Services in a Recession
Most technology companies are hemorrhaging customers.
Reserve Now Or Pay Later
Important responsibilities of the association’s board of directors
Review vs. Audit
Differences between an annual financial audit or financial review
Risk Management and Insurance
How insurance policies can help with risk management
Roof Replacements: No margin for error
Various factors a community association needs to consider when replacing roofs.
Rural Single Family Home Loans
Section 502 loans can help low-income families purchase homes in rural areas.
Save Money On Your Family's Technology Needs
Do not continue to pay for any technology services at the current rates.
Saving Water Can Save You Money
Excellent tips and planning guide for saving money by saving water in your garden and landscaping.
Saving and Managing Your Money During a Recession
Great tips on how to save and manage your money during hard times.
Selecting a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Tips for choosing a CPA and a sample RFP to engage one
Selecting and Contracting Service Providers
What to consider when selecting a service provider and creating the contract with the Association
Service Contracts: Should You Buy One?
Service contracts and extended warranties: Should you buy them?
Should you rent or sell your home?
Whether you sell your home or rent it out depends on any number of factors
Six Tools for Dealing with Negative Equity
Six Tools for Dealing with Negative Equity
So You Lost Your Job?
Looking for a job in today’s market is much more than a looking at the classified ads over breakfast. Learn what to do!
Special considerations when excluding home sale gain from taxes
Homeowners who realize a gain (profit) from the sale of their home may qualify to exclude part or all of that gain from their in
Stimulus Package 2009 - What's In It For YOU
All of the details of the $787 billion stimulus package and how it pertains to you.
Tax Credits for Energy Conscious Purchases
New tax laws will allow tax credits for energy-conscious purchases.
The 2009 Mortgage Bailout
The administration is launching what it calls the “Making Home Affordable” initiative.
The 2009 Mortgage Bailout Executive Summary
Homeowners with mortgages up to $729,750 may qualify for this program.
The 2009 Omnibus Bill Explained
2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act totals about $410 billion and covers funding for fiscal year 2009
The 2009 Stimulus Package Explained
All the details on the 2009 Stimulus package and how to get your piece of the pie.
The Case For Reserves: A Cautionary Tale
Case study regarding the importance of funding reserves no matter the age of the association
The Great Debate: Should We Reserve for Siding?
Siding upkeep and whether it should be part of the Capital Reserve Fund
The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan (HASP)
Two groups of people would benefit directly from the President’s plan.
The Importance of Reserve Planning and Funding
Why Reserve Funding is crucial
Tips On Buying a Home
Helpful tips and links on buying a home.
Tips for Choosing a Tax Preparer
It is important to choose carefully when hiring an individual or firm to prepare personal returns.
Trade Adjustment Assistance
For those laid off or hours reduced because their employer was adversely affected by increased imports from other countries.
USDA Rural Housing Repair and Rehab Loans
Loans and grants available for low income families to repair or rehabilitate their homes.
Understanding Financial Statements: Internal Controls
Internal controls checklist to insure financial transactions are executed with the proper authority
Understanding Financial Statements: The Balance Sheet
Primer on understanding finanical statements
Unemployment Compensation for Ex-servicemembers
Benefits are paid for by the various branches of the military, NOAA or USPHS.
Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees
Unemployment benefits for eligible unemployed former civilian Federal employees.
What Are Earmarks?
In the last election both McCain and Obama promised to end earmarks, if they were elected.
What Are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
If Fannie and Freddie were purely private firms they would have failed in 2008.
What Are U.S. Savings Bonds?
U.S. Savings Bonds are a safe, easy way to save money and a solid addition to your investment portfolio.
What Is A Deed-In-Lieu?
If you are at the point of being willing to give up your home, but want to avoid foreclosure read this article
What Is A Land Bank?
Uses vacant land for the purpose of stabilizing neighborhoods and encouraging re-use or redevelopment of urban property
What Is The Value Of A Homeowner Association?
How the HOA can protect property values and maintain standards
What are Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)?
Health Savings Accounts will change the way millions meet their health care needs
What is Foreclosure?
If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure, there are two important questions that you need to ask yourself.
What is a Credit Score?
Your credit score is usually based on 5 criteria.
What is a Reverse Mortgage?
A reverse mortgage is a loan that allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into cash.
Why Have a Professional Reserve Study?
Reasons to have your association's reserve study done professionally
Workers Compensation Insurance?
Reasons why HOA's are required to carry Workers Comp Insurance
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