Legal Resources

Does my HOA need to comply with the ADA?
The ADA mandates accommodations for disabled persons in public facilities, which could affect your homeowners community.
Does your HOA have an Employee Manual? It Should!
Employment-related lawsuits and claims continue to rise; protect your HOA by drafting an employee manual.
HOA Pet Policies and Service Animals
When to allow service and comfort animals despite a strict pet policy.
HOAs and the Fair Housing Act
HOAs cannot discriminate against protected groups.
Hiring A Lawyer
Make sure to ask your attorney whether he or she specializes in an area of law before you decide to hire them.
How to Adopt a No Smoking Policy for your HOA
Steps to help guide the process of adopting a no smoking policy for your community.
How to Increase Your HOAs Dues
Proper planning and open communication can help ease the pain of increasing monthly homeowners association dues.
Include Virtual Assets in Estate Planning
Consider your virtual assets, including online bank accounts, web-based businesses and social media account
State DUI Laws
Every state has "Implied Consent" laws.
What Happens If I Dont Pay My HOA Dues?
Your HOA board has a duty to collect monthly association dues, and will take necessary steps to recover any missed payments.
Who Does “Our” Attorney Represent?
An association's legal counsel represents the association, right?
Your HOA and the Fair Labor Standards Act
If your homeowners association has employees, even independent contractors, then it may need to comply with FLSA regulations.
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Association Basics for Committees
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